
I'll be popping back to the UK in September, but only for a couple of days to go to the Lakes for Pla's birthday, I'll be flying back to Spain on the 25th with my mum and Dave, who'll be here for the rest of that week. Stuart's coming in August, so I've booked my holidays for then. I need to think about Christmas-I'm not sure I'll be able to come back as Sara and I are planning a girl's road holiday here for Easter-let's hope it doesn't turn into a Thelma and Louise type trip!!!!!
I went for a buzz in a helicopter again last Friday-I went and forgot my camera again!!!! We flew down to Reus, near Tarragona, and then up the coast as far as Sitges, more or less, before having to move inland to avoid Barcelona.We were in the air for about 2 hours-it costs about 500€ for 1/2 an hour if you have to pay-it's a pretty cool perk!!!!! We can't fly too near the city due to all the commercial traffic. I'm getting quite a taste for the helicopter-I don't feel ,as sick as I do sometimes in the light planes. I'll try and remember to take my camera next time.
Apart from all that-the last puppy went last Saturday to live with an elderly lady in the village, so maybe I'll see him around when I go back to visit. Gabi has to have a liver transplant-but he doesn't know when yet-keep your fingers crossed for him. I'll look after the animals while he's in hospital.
More to come when something interesting happens!!!!!!!