About Me
- Name: Michelle Kay
- Location: Masquefa, Barcelona, Spain
Born in Blackburn in 1969, escaped to Lancaster in 1991 and left in search of the sun in 1997.
Previous Posts
- pippy's puppies
- Woody's visit
- I'm a granny
- Red Bull Air Race
- Well spring has certainly srung,the jasmin is goi...
- We've just come back from walking the dogs on a lo...
- This is what living out of the city is all about.
- Gabi broke his ankle and my mum decided to send hi...
- Pippy's pregnant!!!! And not with Ray-I don't know...
- While Gabi's brother, Lucas, has been in Mexico an...
At 21.6.06,
Anonymous said…
how fabulous you look in your gear!!!!
Good to know you're having some fun in amongst all the chaos
Keep smiling Shell xx Jos xx
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