More China

As well as the Forbidden city I managed to climb a little of the Great Wall, it's a bugger as all the steps are of different sizes and coming back down is well scary as it's so steep. God knows how they managed with full kit on. I went to China again in January and visited the Summer Palace-not very summery as you can see. 

But exquisite- well worth a taxi ride to visit (take great care with the taxi drivers tho', you need your wits about you. God help the visitors to the Olympics next year!!!!)

We had a reception and dinner with some bosses from Air China and the Spanish ambassador, we were shown around AC's training facilities and the Ambassador had a go on one of the full motion Boeing simulators.
And I'm afraid I gave some of the more unusual local delicacies a miss- you care see sharks on a stick here, but there were also spiders, beetles, larvae, scorpions, etc.
I'll be back again in September, so look out for more photos.
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