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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A quiet weekend

On Sunday there was a little music in the street festival in Sabadell, I went down and spent the day in the park sunbathing and watching a few local bands. There was a group who did Ramones and Green Day covers, a few who did their own songs-many in English, Rumba, electronic, rock etc. There was also a Castellers gathering, there is a photo on the right. They make the smallest kids climb to the top-scary stuff.
The park here is quite pretty-there's a boating lake with ducks and swans-I tried to feed them, but the carp seemed to be hungrier.

There's a type of waterfall that you can sit under and get spray blown at you by the wind-rather pleasant on a hot summer's day.

I got a bit of a wet bum sat on the grass so decided to go for a walk to let it dry off a bit and discovered a couple of palm trees inhabited by parokeets and other exotic birds. You may just be able to make them out on the photo. There were loads of them making a real racket as they got ready for bed.


  • At 21.6.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sabadell looks alright Shell!!

    scroll down to bottom for other comment


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