
I hope you enjoy looking at my photos, it's my cheap, democratic way of keeping family and friends informed of what I'm up to here in sunny Spain. Please feel free to add your comments, check out the links etc.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Happy New Year to you all. I'm finally getting around to updating this with news of my Xmas visit home. I arrived late Xmas Eve to a very foggy Liverpool airport - thank goodness the other passengers looked relaxed as this helped me stay cool as I watched England's foggy countryside pass beneath us; at one point the crew were worried that visibility would decrease and make landing "difficult". For this reason they had boarded us early, but our departure was delayed 'cos some bloke decide to leave one of his bags in the waiting area. As the Spanish police were on alert; it was Xmas Eve, they had very promptly removed said bag. They were apologetic anmd said they would look for it and return it to its proper owner ASAP. Shortly afterwards a nice security lady came on board and apologiased profusly for having lost said suspicious bag- it was nowhere to be found!!!!! Good job it didn't contain a bomb!!!! (the owner of the bag was, by pure coincidence Arabic).
Anyway- got to Blighty safe and sound. Spent Xmas day at my mum's friends Pat and Jackie; Boxing Day we hit the sales (Debenham's is great to beat the Xmas TV desert). I then spent various days visiting Woody, Lee and San, and popped up to Lancaster for New Year's Eve; where I managed to see Dave, Phil, Anne and families. Then it was back to B/burn and get my stuff together to spend a night in Tranmere at dad and Caroline's. Lunch with Rob and Penny in Manchester's Chinatown and then down to North Hants to visit Sara. I also managed to spend a day in Birmingham with Josie and K.
It was great to catch up with folk (even if only for a couple of hours), and I apologise to anyone I didn't see and I hope to see you soon either here or there.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

One thing I miss is the British countryside. Posted by Picasa

The English winter's are great for going for walks as long as you're all wrapped up. Woody, Lee, San and their kids and I went for a winter's stroll up the woods. Posted by Picasa

On Boxing Day we went to the club for a dose of Phoenix Nights. great stuff. Posted by Picasa

On my way home I stayed in Tranmere with my dad and Caroline then caught the train to sara's, on my way I stopped off for lunch with Rob, Ryn, Penny and Mark in Manchester's China town. (This photo is out of sequence; sorry) Posted by Picasa

We managed to get some of the Kay clan together-plus guests. Stuart and Rob and their partners Denis and Ryn, my dad and Caroline, her mum and my gran. We had some excellent English grub in the Duckworth arms. Ryn is a big fan of our nation's scran-especially mushy peas for some reason. I got too full to eat all my apple pie and even Stu couldn't finish it off. Posted by Picasa

I went up to Lancaster on New year's Eve and spent the night with Anne in her new restaurant- Dave and Jo popped down for a bit, as did Karen before she went off dancing. we had a civilised night and we stayed up talking till the early hours. It was very good to catch up. on New year's day i went round to Phil's for a brew and a chat. This is Amy chilling with the ambient lighting at The Runcible Spoon. Posted by Picasa

Stu and denise. Posted by Picasa

Phil and Marie's new daughter- Nina. Posted by Picasa

I stayed with Sara for the last few days. she lives in a village called Gretton, near Oakham, North Hants. It's a lovely 16th century cottage. It used to be the village workhouse- pre-industrial revolution. It's got great charm, as only an English cottage can. This is the main fireplace, all decorated for Christmas. Many of the floorboarrds are original and the wall are so thick; it'll never fall down. Posted by Picasa

The garden's fantastic in winter,so in summer it must be heaven; it gets the sun all day too. Posted by Picasa

It's a bit of a tight squeeze and look at those beams. Posted by Picasa

On Friday I met up with Losie and K and they showed me around the delights of Birmingham. we had a great day. This is Josie in front of the Selfridge's "whale" in the bullring- I didn't take a photo of the bull as I see enough of them here. Posted by Picasa

This is Birmingham's oldest pub apparently, built in 1368. Posted by Picasa

This is Birmingham's answer to London's eye. Posted by Picasa

On my last morning what you could call "proper" snow fell. a perfect way to finish of my stay. Posted by Picasa