
I hope you enjoy looking at my photos, it's my cheap, democratic way of keeping family and friends informed of what I'm up to here in sunny Spain. Please feel free to add your comments, check out the links etc.

Monday, March 28, 2005

I popped round for a brew at Phil and Marie's and here they are with Molly. Posted by Hello

Sands and Jos chilling in the back yard. Posted by Hello

I got round to see me grandma in Helmshore. Posted by Hello

Dave and Ami made an appearance at Anne's party. Posted by Hello

Dave, Sophie and Sara in her back garden. She'll soon be leaving this place. Posted by Hello

Dad trying to sort out him holiday in Mallorca Posted by Hello

The four of us at my mum's.  Posted by Hello

I got Sara a bio-sphere for Xmas and it was great to see them thriving. Posted by Hello

A flying visit

Well I've just got back from a flying visit to the UK. It was great to see everyone I did see and a disappointment not to see some of those I didn't see. A weeks not long enough to do everything and there were a lot of colds and stuff going round so I hope those of you that were ill, get better soon.
Thanks a lot to Sands for keeping me company and driving around,without you it would have been difficult to do so much. Thanks to everyone who put me up and to the weather which wasn't too bad.
The photos show most of the things I got up to andwhere I went.