
I hope you enjoy looking at my photos, it's my cheap, democratic way of keeping family and friends informed of what I'm up to here in sunny Spain. Please feel free to add your comments, check out the links etc.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Been to a few concerts recently. It's the only way I can get out and about (I usually go on my own, bit of a billy no mates)
Went to see Ojos de Brujo in December with Woody, then I went to see a Led Zep tribute band (god I'm getting old!!) called Letz zep. They were really good and did double-headed guitars and violin bows etc.
In April it was Roger Waters doing Dark Side..., brill stuff, flying pigs, explosions and psychadelic lights.

And for that blast from the pastness, let's relive our teens, the Cult. They even did a Led Zep style acoustic interlude.

More China

As well as the Forbidden city I managed to climb a little of the Great Wall, it's a bugger as all the steps are of different sizes and coming back down is well scary as it's so steep. God knows how they managed with full kit on. I went to China again in January and visited the Summer Palace-not very summery as you can see.

But exquisite- well worth a taxi ride to visit (take great care with the taxi drivers tho', you need your wits about you. God help the visitors to the Olympics next year!!!!)

We had a reception and dinner with some bosses from Air China and the Spanish ambassador, we were shown around AC's training facilities and the Ambassador had a go on one of the full motion Boeing simulators.

And I'm afraid I gave some of the more unusual local delicacies a miss- you care see sharks on a stick here, but there were also spiders, beetles, larvae, scorpions, etc.
I'll be back again in September, so look out for more photos.