
I hope you enjoy looking at my photos, it's my cheap, democratic way of keeping family and friends informed of what I'm up to here in sunny Spain. Please feel free to add your comments, check out the links etc.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Well spring has certainly srung,the jasmin is going to be spectacular. The yellow flower is called carolina and smells great too. Just the thing when the neighbours have got their smelly septic tank just behind there... Posted by Picasa

We've just come back from walking the dogs on a lovely sunny afternoon. There's a field nearby that's absolutely blooming with poppies and other wild flowers. Posted by Picasa

This is what living out of the city is all about. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 17, 2006

Gabi broke his ankle and my mum decided to send him a pirate patch to go with his one good leg and his parrot. He's getting better now and will hopefully have the cast off soon. Posted by Picasa

Pippy's pregnant!!!! And not with Ray-I don't know what the pups'll look like. Posted by Picasa

While Gabi's brother, Lucas, has been in Mexico and New Orleans, we've been looking after his dog Farigola (thyme). She escaped/was stolen and we were a little worried about her, but we got her back in the end. She went home with Lucas today. Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 14, 2006

I'm back

First let me apologise to all of you who have had birthdays so far this year, I don't know why, but I've been really untogether about sending cards this year, I was going to do a paper free year and send virtual cards-but without the net it's been difficult, I'll try and get myself organised.
I'm sorry about not posting for a while-the internet provider messed up; but I'm back now.
I started my new job a month ago-teaching future pilots and cabin crew English. I think it's going OK so far. The folk are friendly, the pays probably less than what I was earning-but I didn't get paid every months before. I get up at the time I started work before and am home for 7:15 not 10:30!!!!
Yesterday I went for a ride in a Cessna-a light aircraft, with a student pilot and an instructor. We didn't go anywhere-just round in circles so Issac (the student) could practise take offs and landings. It was a bit windy, so it was a bit bumpy-my stomach was beginning to suffer by the end, I'm going to take my anti-seasick bracelets for the next time just in case....
It was lucky we finished when we did because one of the other planes had a problem with its landing gear and they had to make an emergency landing just after we'd landed. If we'd still been in the air we'd've had to go to another airport. I fancy going up in a helicopter next and maybe for a little ride-they often fly over our village-that'd be cool flying over my house. They also provide an air-taxi service and work the Grand Prix- so I'm gonna have to work on getting "back stage" passes for next year!!!
We have a web page: www.topfly.com
and a blog (set up by me and still in its early stages) www.topfly-topfly.blogspot.com
Gabi broke his ankle a few weeks ago and has it in pot, as a consequence we didn't do anything for my birthday (thanks for the cards and stuff), but I bought us posh tickets to go and see the Stones (or The Rollings as they're called here) at the Olympic Stadium in May. When I told my mum she laughed and said, "Oh, I went to see them in Blackburn 42 years ago." !!!!!!
I think Pippy's preggers and am going to have to take her to the vets to check it out.
We also have a new parrot who I call Panxo, he's a good talker and can say "Raymond", "hola", "vamos", "Woof woof woof" (just like a dog), he also laughs "ha ha" and other cool stuff; he's also friendlier than Pollo. I'll sort some foties out later to post.
Gabi's just called to say lunch is ready so I'm off now-I'll do the photos later.