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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Christmas is coming

Well, only aweek to go. Just finished writing my cards and thought I'd better let you know how Woody's visit went. The weather wasn't too bad most of the time and we had a relaxing few days wandering around Barcelona. We went to the science museum, which was great, but there were so many people there that it was diffucult to play with the exhibits. It's free to get in until January 7th so everyone took advantage. I don't know how much the entrance is but it's worth a visit- they have an inundated forest with birds living in it and lots of mini experiments that you can play with and they demonstrate how and why stuff is the way it is. We also took him down the Ramblas and showed him some more Gaudi stuff. He seemed to get on well with Pollo and generally enjoy himself. Only three more days of work and then I don't go back 'til the 10th of January. The 6th is a holiday here, it's when people traditionally exchanged presents although Father Christmas is becoming more popular. Globalisation of traditions- halloween is taking off here too although the traditional holiday is the 1st of November. Anyway, have a happy whatever you celebrate and however you celebrate it.


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