Hi, how are you? Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. I'm not sure what I'll put on this, but I'm sure I'll think of something. For now I'll put a few photies that Woody took on his visit over here (if I can work out how to use it!!!). I had a busy summer, I'll have to scan some photies in-especially for those who've never been, so you'll want to come and visit. Woody's already coming back for a second dose in December. Although it's getting a bit nippy now and we've had to light to fire today-Brrrrrrr!! But tuh sun usually shines during the day, so if you go out for a walk it's rather pleasant and not too hot. I'll try to introduce you to the family and friends and you'll soon feel like your part of our happy-go-lucky life here!!!!
At 15.11.04,
Rob Kay said…
Great blog sis! Bookmarked and I can't wait to learn more about your day to day life. The photos look great... especialy those medicinal herbs that appear in mighty healthy condition. :)
Isn't this blog thing fantastic?! It amazed me how easy they are to put together, I highly recomemend it to anyone and everyone who has something to say. Mine own is at http://robkay.blogspot.com/
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