Last Wednesday we had a few tornados-they had to close the airport for a while!!! It rained so much that the street in where I work turned into a river- the water covered the pavement, we had to leave work early because all the electricity in the area went. On the way home I passed several accidents-cars upside down and stuff. One man from the next village died when he was surprised by a torrent of water-he was a hunter and knew the area well. His friend who was with him, and is from our village, is still missing. The police are searching downstream but think he may have been washed out to sea. Tornados are not too unusual here, but they usually form out at sea-you can see them sometimes from the coast. It's unusual for them to for inland. In two days we had 4 big ones and several small ones. Some villages suffered plenty of damage due to the high winds.

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